Thursday, February 26, 2009

Outdoor blogging!

I am composing this particular blog post from the comfort of my front porch rocking chair!  What a way to spend an afternoon.  Eden brought her little rocker out and she is currently sitting next to me sharing her snack of pretzels and singing me a song with words that go something like this... "I dropped my dish, I dropped my dish, in the tree, it fell in the tree..."  The song is because she (surprise, surprise) dropped her dish that was holding her pretzels off the edge of the porch into the azalea bush.  Fortunately this did not upset her and she can sing about it!

Winter has wreaked havoc on my home's curb appeal and I can't wait to get out here and do some heavy-duty clean-up of the flower beds.  Anyone need any vinca vine?  I have lots of daffodils coming up and some with buds on them.  My daylilies are peeking up through the ground as are my iris.  No signs of the dutch iris, yet.  Those are my favorite!  Looking at the grass, the wild onion has shot up all over the place and it could stand to be cut!  I won't point this out to Brandon.  He insists on waiting until one of the neighbors cuts theirs first...

Unfortunately this little glimpse of Spring is going to be short-lived and we will have Winter back by the weekend.  It's time to head in and get supper going.  Hope you got outside today!

1 comment:

  1. Amy--I'll take some vinca. I have hill that I'd like to cover and eliminate the amount of mulching required.
