Wednesday, February 13, 2013

In The Garden

This winter I planned a complete layout overhaul of my garden space.  Instead of 11 3'x9' beds, I am going to have 3 4'x33' beds. 
My new layout is going to give me an additional 100 square feet of bed space!  

In order to implement this change, I opted to use a tiller which I don't usually do. It has been really wet here recently and the garden has only had short bursts of time when it wasn't too soggy to till.  The garden plan for this year hinges on me getting my peas in by Valentine's Day.  Sunday I managed to get one section (about 1/3) of the garden tilled. This was enough for planting peas, but I ran out of daylight.  Then, it rained again Monday. Yesterday was lovely, but the ground was so wet I couldn't plant anything.

Today, they are calling for rain. Grrrr! 

Well, I ignored what "they" were calling for and I went out to plant. I managed to get an entire bed planted with shelling peas and dwarf sugar snaps.  If you don't want to to the math, that equals 132 square feet! Yikes! I may end up with a pea sheller this year. 

Blessing of The Land (at Planting or Harvest)

God of the Universe,
You made the heavens and the earth,
So we do not call our home merely “planet earth.”
We call it your Creation, a Divine Mystery,
a Gift from Your Most Blessed Hand.
The world itself is your miracle.
Bread and vegetables from earth are thus also from heaven.
Help us to see in our daily bread your presence.
Upon this garden
May your stars rain down their blessed dust.
May you send rain and sunshine upon our garden and us.
Grant us the humility to touch the humus,
That we might become more human.
That we might mend our rift from your Creation,
That we might then know the sacredness of the gift of life—
That we might truly experience life from the hand of God.
For you planted humanity in a garden,
and began our resurrection in a garden.
Our blessed memory and hope lie in a garden.
Thanks be to God,
Who made the world teeming with variety,
Of things on the earth, above, the earth, and under the earth.
Thanks be to God,
For the many kinds of plants, trees, and fruits,
We celebrate.
For the centipedes, ants, and worms,
For the mice, marmots, and bats,
For the cucumbers, tomatoes, and peppers
We rejoice,
That we find ourselves eclipsed by the magnitude
Of generosity and mystery.
Thanks be to God.

Taken from Common Prayer: A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals

1 comment:

  1. So glad you got so much planting done, lovely post!

